Latonya Slack, JD, CPC
Executive Coach, Facilitator, Senior Consultant
Latonya Slack specializes in facilitating and assisting senior level leaders and organizations with visioning, planning, navigating critical decisions and creating effective strategies for success. Specializing in modalities that promote intuitive leadership combined with energetic healing and balancing, Latonya works with clients with a holistic approach. For seven years, she served as Senior Program Officer for California Democracy supporting civic engagement, community organizing, voter engagement, and capacity building with the James Irvine Foundation. While at the foundation, she served as secretary, vice chair, and chair of Southern California Grantmakers board of directors. Prior to working in philanthropy, she was Executive Director of the California Black Women’s Health Project, where she created a comprehensive policy advocacy program, a mental health initiative, and the Advocate Training Program, which trains lay community members as health policy advocates. She has also worked for the Service Employees International Union as a community political organizer, engaging community, religious, labor and health organizations on health care justice issues.
After graduating from UCLA School of Law, she worked with the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles as a Consumer Law Advocate and, through AmeriCorps Legal Corps’ Youth Empowerment Project, assisted South Los Angeles community groups with forming nonprofit organizations. Latonya is a graduate of Brown University with a concentration in Biomedical Ethics. She is a 2006 German Marshall Fund American Marshall Memorial Fellow and is currently a board member of the California Association of Nonprofits, California NonProfits Insurance Services and Forward Together. She has served on numerous boards and commissions including the Liberty Hill Foundation, the El Pueblo/Olvera Street Commission, Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation, and the Steering Committee for MLK Hospital. She is also a former Senior Lecturer at Claremont McKenna College, facilitating a project entitled “Behind the Veil: Women, Race, and Leadership in the Nonprofit Social Justice Sector”.
Latonya is a trained facilitator, a certified Innerlight Method Energy Therapy Practitioner, energy leadership master practitioner and certified professional coach. Her certifications and trainings include Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, Interaction Institute for Social Change – Essential Facilitation, Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work, The Masterful Trainer; Open Space Technology; and The Art of Transformational Consulting with Robert Gass. Latonya is an affiliate with Change Elemental and a Haas Jr Foundation Flexible Leadership Awards Plan Consultant.