Work is a major part of life for most of us, but life is about a lot more than work. We believe that the most effective people at work are also the happiest ones in life.
They understand that work, like life, is about more than getting things done: it’s about expressing your ideas and creativity, adding value, making a difference, connecting with people, and so much more.
This is why study after study shows people want to work for leaders who get it. Leaders who know that people who feel great about their work, their boss, their life are the ones who make the biggest contributions to the organization.
By utilizing insights from the vast research into the human mind, The Redshift Team helps you lead in ways that maximize the talents of your people and keep morale high. By building and sustaining cultures of creativity, resilience and optimism, your teams and organizations are far more able to quickly and effectively respond to the complexity and relentless pace of today’s world.
Our Services
The last several decades of research have shown us that what distinguishes extraordinary leaders from the rest is not how smart they are (IQ), but how well they regulate themselves and connect with other people (EQ or emotional intelligence). Our approach to executive coaching is grounded in emotional intelligence and the latest neuroscience research on positivity and resilience. Coaching engagements include highly personalized and confidential 1:1 sessions, an in-depth qualitative 360-degree feedback report, and support in identifying and attaining professional and personal development goals.
Areas for development include:
accountability vs. control
maintaining clarity on strategic priorities amidst growing demands
aligning personal values and purpose with your work
managing your personal ecology and well-being, and for those you manage
effectively managing up and across peer group
developing emotional intelligence
leading, coaching and mentoring across differences
clarifying your personal legacy to the organization
conscious and responsible use of power
resilience and managing your work/life fluctuations
Our direct experience working with hundreds of organizations backs up the organizational behavior research: at the heart of the most successful organizational culture change, you will always find a healthy, resilient, aligned, high-performing core team leading the effort. These teams have several conditions in common:
they demonstrate high levels of trust and vulnerability with one another;
they willingly engage in constructive, ideological conflict on hot issues or topics of import to the business;
they have a shared commitment to making decisions in a timely and definitive way;
they’re able to manage personal discomfort in order to hold one another accountable for their behaviors;
their focus on, and commitment to, collective results trumps ego and the desire for individual success; and
they’re committed to continuous development both as a team, and as individuals (they walk the talk).
And when these conditions are grounded in emotional intelligence teams are unstoppable.
Teams are at all different levels of development and performance. However, we know that the best and highest performing teams have a baseline of trust, thrive in constructive conflict, have a shared commitment to common (not competitive) goals, hold each other accountable and have sustained results to show for it. Our team designs and facilitates leadership development programs ranging from one-day sessions to multi-part programs to support senior teams to be at the top of their game.
All of our culture and engagement programs are kicked off with our signature session, “Emotional Intelligence & Positivity: The Anatomy of Happy, Healthy, Effective Organizations.” This highly interactive day provides an opportunity for teams and entire organizations to immerse themselves in latest findings in the neuroscience of emotional intelligence, positivity and resilience through lecturettes, a dozen interactive exercises, mindfulness practice and time to design an ambitious and practical plan for the next 90 days and 12 months of culture transformation.
“What Suzanne says and does at the EI & Positivity offsite is so meaningful and powerful. Within 5 or 10 minutes with one of our senior creative teams, they were all ears, just soaking it in—they didn’t even want to go on break. That experience has literally been transformative for the team, the department and the culture.” Catherine Houser, EVP, Worldwide Human Resources, Paramount Studios
The OI Study itself is powerful engagement process to enroll your team/organization in meaningful and critical change. Together, we determine a set of activities that will position you and your team to address any headwinds and maximize the opportunities to reach unprecedented levels of excellence. See “Our Process” for more information on how it unfolds.
Our Process
Whether working with a senior team or on wide-scale change at the organizational level, our work is grounded in deep inquiry into the client system through an Organizational Inquiry Study. The OI Study includes a set of in-depth interviews with your key stakeholders (internal and external) to identify and uncover the forces at play within your system: values, beliefs, morale, headwinds and tailwinds, barriers, and opportunities.
Inquiry Design
Together we identify the Inquiry scope, intent and key stakeholders
Team Offsite
Report of Findings is shared with leadership team and cascaded into teams
Through 60- to 90-minute conversational interviews, we gather data and start the change process, one interview at a time
Action Plan
With your input, critical behaviors, processes and activities are identified for the next 3-12 months
Through a rigorous analysis, we identify the key themes, headwinds and tailwinds
Making It Real
A robust set of activities are initiated to ensure sustainable change